My feeling is one day Kenwood will go into the SDR world also, but I will be surprised if it will be like the IC-7300, IC-7610 or IC-9700 and the Flex world of pure direct sampling. TS870S first figure of the serial numbers linked to year of manufacture as follows: This is. I suspect, and hope it will be more like the K3 and FTdx101D/MP with crystal filtering also for better performance.

FTDI USB CAT Programming Cable Kenwood TS-2000 TS-2000E TS. Please enter 5 or 9 numbers for the ZIP Code. The KPA1500 easily interfaces with radios featuring Kenwood. Until then the TS-990S is still a radio that can hold it's own during any contests and field day with no effort and on nights like tonight where the bands suck, I still pulled a couple of SSB QSO's out and had a good time.

This is where I’m keeping notes about my experiences running a TS-2000 for well, everything it does. Flex will NOT go out of business they will just have more radios with knobs. Notes: You can find the serial number imprinted on the main body bottom cover it consists of an 8-digit number beginning with. Kenwood serial numbers issued from 1999 come in 2 formats. KENWOOD TS 2000 SERIAL NUMBER CODE SERIAL NUMBERS