To me it never worked - I did not like it. Wintage Warmer really has some settings (presets) named like Tape medium, slow or similar. Nomad Factory has a Tape sim kind of a plugin with less possibilities AND it is only a part of a bundle It was not bad but not worth paying other plugins I did not want to buy. Many choices of different Tape Machines, speeds, noise reductions, etc. Although I agree that similar (same ) result one might achieve with compression and EQ, it is faster to use a good "dedicated " plugin - at least for me.ĭUY DaD Tape is available in AU format for a while, it is a bit pricey IMHO, but probably the best you can get in AU world

Personally I started recording to tape quite long time ago (before Logic was born - no I am not THAT old, I was just lucky and started when I was really young ) I still prefer mix to 2track tape and I love to have not only basic EQ and compressor tools, but also some "Tape" simulator present in the DAW I work with. Again-respect to all who wrote their suggestions up here. With respect to all what was written, there are some plugins in AU format, that are tape (tape machine) simulations and the question was about that.