Shutting out any opposing opinion, and completely disregarding the scientific data in the areas of alternatives to smoking and harm reduction, with prohibitionist delegates and NGOs running the entire show, the COP8 became just an echo chamber for personal agendas and misinformation in one of the most undemocratic and anti-scientific displays of power and ignorance. To our disbelief, during the first main plenary session of the COP8, delegates elected to ban all the media and members of the public from attending or even observing any of the Conference sessions! It was just bizarre to see the majority of the Conference delegates lauding this decision, while simultaneously expressing their dedication to the democratic principles of openness and transparency.

Despite an arbitrary and complicated registration procedure for anyone wishing to attend, IGOWatch was still able to be accredited as neutral observers and were looking forward to attending and reporting on the outcome of this vitally important meeting. In the weeks prior to the Conference, there was a lot of talk about the WHO’s lack of transparency and anti-democratic stance in banning individuals and organizations who did not agree with their prohibitionist agenda from attending the conference as observers. The month kicked off with the 8th Conference of the Parties (COP8) to the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention for Tobacco Control in Geneva.